Closure with horizontal sliding


The first characteristic of these closures is the possibility to pack them laterally, in horizontal sliding, studying also solutions with “curve” or on a special rail.

Used for special contests like shopping malls, airports, banks or EXPOS, the horizontal folding closures may be realized for inside or outside installations, and can protect the areas maintaining an optimal view of environment.

Its encumbrance is very reduced or may be storable or hidden placed, in a special space arranged with a closure door.

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ISEA s.r.l. Funo di Argelato Bologna - 40050 Bologna - Italy
P.I.: 00827961202 - R.E.A.: BO - 210816 | Tel.: +39-051-862004 | Fax: +39-051-861404 | e-mail:
C.F e di ISCRIZ. 00308100379 R.I. di BOLOGNA - Cap.i.v. € 116.000,00

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