Closures for industrial buildings must answer to specific requirements: safety, performance, continuous and intensive function, insulation, flexibility in installation. I.S.E.A. like projector and supplier of safety closures, has been always oriented on this strategic sector.
Our solutions answer all exigencies, both for closure sizes and for raw used materials, also including insulated version to improve temperature difference from outside and inside.
Possibility to install closures with inside or outside rolling-packaging, related to the technical construction characteristics of building and available spaces.
Electric operations with high performance and reliability, also for intensive use conditions.
ISEA s.r.l.
Funo di Argelato Bologna -
40050 Bologna - Italy
P.I.: 00827961202 - R.E.A.: BO - 210816 |
Tel.: +39-051-862004 |
Fax: +39-051-861404 |
C.F e di ISCRIZ. 00308100379 R.I. di BOLOGNA - Cap.i.v. € 116.000,00
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