The MICRO PERFORATED roller shutters have a total transparent effect. A new computerized production concept allows to plan micro perforated and full spaces so it is possible to “draw” also personalized logos on the roller shutter.
Thanks to its special construction “TRASPAR” model may be considered like a roller shutter, also maintaining the same characteristics of roller grilles. The micro perforations allows, with an internal enlightenment, a full-view of environment from outside.
Also available in galvanized steel, painted galvanized steel and, on request, pre-painted galvanized steel.
ISEA s.r.l.
Funo di Argelato Bologna -
40050 Bologna - Italy
P.I.: 00827961202 - R.E.A.: BO - 210816 |
Tel.: +39-051-862004 |
Fax: +39-051-861404 |
C.F e di ISCRIZ. 00308100379 R.I. di BOLOGNA - Cap.i.v. € 116.000,00
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